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 PANG Weidong,YANG Runhai,XU Yaji,et al.Study on the Crustal Wave Velocity Variation around the 2014 Ludian MS6.5 Earthquake Area by Background Noise Autocorrelation Function[J].Journal of Seismological Research,2017,40(03):491-501.





Study on the Crustal Wave Velocity Variation around the 2014 Ludian MS6.5 Earthquake Area by Background Noise Autocorrelation Function
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)
PANG WeidongYANG RunhaiXU YajiSHEN Yahong
(Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)
鲁甸地震 背景噪声 自相关 相对波速变化
the Ludian earthquake background noise autocorrelation relative wave velocity variation
利用鲁甸MS6.5地震震区及其周边的5个台站所记录的2013年1月至2015年12月三分量地震背景噪声数据,在不同频带内计算自相关格林函数,通过30天滑动叠加获得当前格林函数,对整个研究时段格林函数长时间叠加得到参考格林函数。进一步对当前格林函数和参考格林函数分别采用移动窗互谱、伸缩技术计算各台站相对波速变化,利用计算结果研究鲁甸地震前后波速变化特征。结果表明:移动窗互谱法与伸缩法测量得到的相对波速变化趋势较为一致; 0.2~0.5 Hz频带范围内测量的相对波速变化对介
Firstly,using three component seismic background noise data recorded by 5 seismic stations located around the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake area from Jan.2013 to Dec.2015,we calculated autocorrelation Green function in different frequency.Secondly,we obtained the “Current Green function” by the stacking of autocorrelation Green function by sliding window with 30 days as window and 1 day as step and the “Referent Green function” by the stacking of autocorrelation Green function in the whole study time.Finally,based on “current Green function” and “referent Green function”,we calculated the relative wave velocity variation of each station by Moving Window Cross Spectrum(MWCS)and Stretching technology to analyze the relative variation characteristics of wave velocity before and after the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake.The results show that the variation of relative wave velocity by two methods was consistent well.The sensitive depth of the measured relative wave velocity in 0.2~0.5 Hz to the medium is about 4 km,and the wave velocity have a strong annual variation trend.After the Ludian earthquake and the Yongshan earthquake,the coseismic wave velocity variation of stations is significant,which showed as a significant decrease,and the wave velocity of Zhaotong(ZAT)and Yanjin(YAJ)Stations decreased reached 0.06%.The wave velocity variation in the whole study period shows the overall characteristics of “disturbance-earthquake-decrease-recovery and uplift-earthquake-decrease-recovery-disturbance”.We didn't observe obvious wave velocity changes,however,some seasonal variation characteristics are shown in the frequency of 0.5~1 Hz measuring results.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-07-20