|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]江宁波,吴微微,左 洪.震源应力降的国内外研究进展综述[J].地震研究,2024,47(02):163-177.[doi:10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0025]
 JIANG Ningbo,WU Weiwei,ZUO Hong.Review of International Research Progress in Source Stress Drop[J].Journal of Seismological Research,2024,47(02):163-177.[doi:10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0025]





Review of International Research Progress in Source Stress Drop
江宁波吴微微左 洪
(四川省地震局,四川 成都 610044)
JIANG NingboWU WeiweiZUO Hong
(Sichuan Earthquake Agency,Chengdu 610044,Sichuan,China)
应力降 震源参数 影响因素 应用发展
the Lijiang MS7.0 earthquake the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake cross-fault observation earthquake-case review meta-instable characteristics Sichuan-Yunnan area
As a basic parameter describing the characteristics of the source scale,stress drop is very important for understanding the physical properties of the source process.It is also a key parameter for earthquake prediction and seismic risk assessment.In order to show the latest research progress in source stress drop at home and around the world,we systematically sort out the relevant definitions and calculational methods of stress drop,and discuss the correlation between stress drop and some seismic petameters like seismic moment,tectonic block,fault parameters,focal depth and heat flow.We also summarize the trend of application and development of stress drop in the research on tectonic earthquakes,induced earthquakes,volcanic earthquakes,and the ground-motion-prediction model.The calculation of stress drop involves a lot of uncertainties.Especially for small earthquakes,for example,media properties,data limitation,statistical samples,and differences between the methods,all these will impact stress drop.Therefore,we recommend a variety of cross-validation methods for interpretation and application of the stress drop,and we suggest discussing different tectonic zones and different earthquake sequences.


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基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFC3000703、2021YFC3000602); 地震科技星火计划项目(XH202302).
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-20