张建国1,2,皇甫岗1,2,谢英情2,Phan Trong Trinh3

(1.中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院, 合肥 230026; 2.云南省地震局, 昆明 650224; 3.越南国家科学院地质研究所, 河内, 越南)

红河断裂; 分段性; 不均匀性; 侧向挤出; 越南; 中国

Sino-Vietnam Joint Survey and Study of Red River Fault Zone(Part 1)
ZHANG Jian-guo1,2,HUANGFU Gang1,2,XIE Ying-qing2,Phan Trong Trinh3

(1.School of Earth and Space Sciences,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,Anhui,China)(2.Yunnan Earthquake Administration,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)(3.Institute of Geological Sciences,Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,Hanoi,Vietnam)

Red River Fault; segmentation property; non-homogeneity; lateral extrusion; Vietnam; China



Based on the field survey along Red River Fault Zone(RRFZ)within Vietnam,we primarily discuss the general features of contemporary activity of RRFZ combining with the study results in Yunnan of China from its geometric structure,tectonic evolution history and stratum development process,and geology and geomorphology since Cenozoic.We conclude:(1)the RRFZ has showed prominent spatio-temporal heterogeneity and segmentation property in many aspects such as the geometric structure,the long-term development and evolution process,and the geological and geomorphologic behaviors of faulting.(2)the characteristics,as the development and disaggregation of the planation surface along RRFZ,the growth and sedimentation of Cenozoic basin,and the development and deformation of water system and stream terrace,etc,indicate that the attenuated tendency of Quaternary activity of RRFZ in China from north to south has been kept going into Vietnam.(3)the lateral extrusion impacts coming from Tibet Plateau is limited,and this knowledge has significant meaning for probing the dynamic mechanisms of crustal movement and strong earthquake activity in the Sichuan-Yunnan region.