
(1.福建省漳州市地震局,福建 漳州 363000; 2.福建省地震局,福州 350003; 3.福建省地震局 漳州地震台,福建 漳州 363000)

伸缩仪; 体应变仪; 体应变响应; 同震响应; 漳州地震台

Analysis of the Co-seismic Response of Extensometer and Body Strain Gauge at Zhangzhou Seismic Station
FANG Hong-fang1,LIU Xu-yan2,ZHANG Kai3

(1.Earthquake Administration of Zhangzhou City,Fujian Province,Zhangzhou 363000,Fujian,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350003,Fujian,China)(3.Zhangzhou Seismic Station,Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Zhangzhou 363000,Fujian,China)

extensometer; body strain gauge; volumetric strain response; co-seismic response; Zhangzhou Seismic Station



We conduct a comparative analysis of volumetric strain response of extensometer and the volumetric strain response of body-strain gauge to the same earthquake.The two observational systems recorded an oscillating attenuation change overlaying the background of the solid tide of volumetric strain.The two systems differently response to Indonesian distant shock,inland earthquake and Taiwan earthquake.The magnitude of volumetric strain response of these two systems to the earthquakes varies from 10-9 to 10-7.The response amplitude of body strain gauge system is larger than that of extensometer.For the same system,the response amplitude keeps in direct proportion to quake energy and the delay time of response keeps in direct proportion to epicentral distance.