
(宝鸡文理学院 灾害监测与机理模拟陕西省重点实验室,陕西 宝鸡 721013)

地震灾害; 认知与响应; 普通公众; 南郑县; 陕西省

Research on the Public Perception and Responses to the Disaster of the MS8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake-stricken Area:A Case Study in Nanzheng in Southern Shaanxi
XU Chun-di,ZHOU Qi,YU Yao-chuang

(Key Lab of Disaster Monitoring and Mechanism Simulating of Shaanxi Province,Baoji University of Arts And Sciences,Baoji 721013,Shaanxi,China)

earthquake disaster; perception and responses; the public; Nanzheng County; Shaannxi


为了深入了解普通公众对地震灾害感知程度,为减少灾害损失和区域防震减灾战略的制定和实施提供科学依据,运用问卷调查和深度访谈的方法,系统分析了四川汶川8.0级地震陕西南郑灾区公众对地震灾害的认知与响应。结果 表明:(1)在认知与响应地震灾害方面,公众的防震减灾技能最差,地震灾害知识和震后情绪与信息的传播较差,自救互救实况较好,综合水平与能力还很不理想;(2)普通公众掌握的地震知识准确性和理解深度还有待加强;(3)增强区域防震减灾综合能力的有效途径是提高公众掌握防震减灾技能的程度及普通公众自救互救知识和能力;(4)当地政府的针对性宣传和权威媒体的报道是震后公众获取地震灾害信息的主要渠道,因而推进政府地震灾害信息公开化和透明化是减轻灾害风险的有效途径。

In order to better understand the public's perception to earthquake disaster and to provide the scientific basis for the formulation and implementation of the strategy of disaster loss reduction and regional earthquake mitigation,by the questionnaire survey and the deep interview,we systematically analyze the public's perception and responses to the disaster of MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake-stricken-Nanzheng in southern Shaanxi.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)the public's earthquake disaster-coping skill is the worst,the public's level of knowledge of earthquake disaster is poor,and the ability to keep calm and correctly spread information is low,while the ability of self and mutual rescue are better.(2)The overall accuracy and understanding of the earthquake knowledge for the public still needs to be strengthened.(3)An effective measure to enhance the synthesizing ability of earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation is to improve public's perception to earthquake disaster,especially earthquake disaster-coping skills,and the capabilities of self and mutual rescue.(4)The targeted propaganda of local government and the authoritative media's reports are the main channel for the public's access to the earthquake disaster information after earthquake,thus an effective way to reduce the earthquake disaster risk is to promote the publicity and transparency of the government's information.