
(1.云南省红河州地震局,云南 蒙自661100; 2.北京市延庆县地震局,北京 102100)

B/S结构; 数据库; 权限管理; 访问控制列表

Realization of the Precise Size of the Managenment of Rights of Software System Based on B/S
NI Tai-shan1,ZHOU Yong-gang2

(1.Earthquke Administration of Honghe Prefecture of Yunnan Province,Mengzi 661100,Yunnan,China)(2.Earthquke Administration of Yanqing County of Beijing,Beijing 102100,China)

B/S structure; database; rights management; access control list-



Firstly,we introduce the fine granularity of right management ideas and methods in the B/S structure software design.Then using Java language,adopting struts2 + hibernate + spring framework combined with technology we realize the right management software system,and applied the technology to the background management of the management system of seismic station of the Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province.