
(1.山东省地震局,山东 济南 250014; 2.马陵山地震台,山东 郯城 276114; 3.济南市地震局,山东 济南 250001; 4.安丘地震台,山东 安丘 262100)

地电场; 数据连续性; 日变特征; 山东地区

Research on the Observation Data of Geo-electric Field in Shandong Region
DONG Xiao-na1,LU Cheng-yi2,QU Li1,SU Dao-lei3,ZHANG Hui-feng1,LIU Hai-lin4

(1.Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China)(2.Malingshan Seismic Station of Shandong Province,Tancheng 276114,Shandong,China)(3.Earthquake Administration of Jinan Municipality,Jinan 250001,Yunnan,China)(4.Anqiu Seismic Station,Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province,Anqiu 262100,Yunnan,China)

geo-electric field; data continuity; daily variation characteristics; Shandong Region


介绍了山东地区7个地电场观测台的概况,选取各台2007~2011年的观测数据,从资料的完整性、内在质量(包括相关系数和归零差值)、数据变化及受干扰情况等几个方面进行了分析和探讨。结果 表明:各台地电场观测资料保持了较好的连续性和完整性,数据能够满足分析预报使用的要求。从数据质量来看,郯城、菏泽、陵阳和大山台的数据较好,其相关系数大于0.95,更换电极后归零差值控制在1 mV/km左右,可为地震预测研究提供可靠的数据资料。在数据变化形态方面,山东地区地电场变化形态多数属于潮汐型地电场,日常观测中,主要受到了地电暴、雷电及外线路故障等干扰。

Introducing the general situation of 7 geo-electric field observation stations in Shandong region,we selected the observation data recorded by 7 stations from 2007 to 2011 and analyzed the integrity,intrinsic quality(including correlation coefficient and zero difference),the shape of normal daily variation of the geo-electric observation data and the its situation of interferences.The results showed that the observation data kept the continuous and integrity and met the requirements of earthquake analysis and prediction.In the aspect of intrinsic quality,the quality of the geo-electric data recorded by Tancheng,Heze,Lingyang and Dashan stations was high,and the correlation coefficient of data was larger than 0.95,the return-to-zero difference was controlled less than 1 mV/km after replacing the electrode.It could provide reliable data for seismic research.And in the other aspect of daily variation shape,the shape of observation data in Shandong Region was tidal geo-electric field mostly.In daily observation,the data variation shape was mainly affected by various kinds of interferences such as geo-electrical storms,lightning and external line fault.