
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

灾情信息; 特征分析; 宁洱地震; 人员伤亡; 社会财产损失

Analysis of the Features of Disaster Information about Ning'er MS6.4 Earthquake
ZHANG Fang-hao,BAI Xian-fu,LI Yong-qiang,ZHOU Yang,CAO Yan-bo,

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

disaster information; analysis of the features; Ning'er MS6.4 earthquake; casualties; economic losses


选取2007年宁洱6.4级地震发生后一周内政府收集和上报的灾情档案资料中的人员伤亡和财产损失两类主要信息为基础资料,对该次地震的灾情信息特征进行初步分析。结果 表明:灾情信息来源的主体为县级政府部门,描述方式以定量为主。在地震发生后4 h内以定性描述为主,4~12 h期间定性描述与定量描述都有,12 h后以定量描述为主; 单位时间内灾情信息获知和上报的数量随时间的推移先逐渐增加,到达峰值后逐渐减少,最后趋于平稳; 从信息随时间变化情况来看,最先掌握死亡人员数量,接着是重伤人员数量,最后是受伤人员数量; 与地震灾害直接经济损失评估结果比较,房屋损失信息更直接地反应本次地震损失。

According to the disaster information about casualties and economic losses which is collected and reported by the governments in one week after the Ning'er MS6.4 earthquake in 2007,we analyze the disaster information feature of Ning'er MS6.4 earthquake. The results show that:(1)The government of Ning'er County was the main information source.(2)The information was mainly described in a quantitative way. It was mainly described in a qualitative way 4 hours after the earthquake,but 4-12 hours after the earthquake,the number of the qualitatively-described information was almost equal to the one of the quantitatively-described information. And 12 hours later,the information was mainly described in a quantitative way.(3)The amount of the information acquired and reported in unit time increased with time,then gradually decreased after reaching the peak,and kept stable.(3)We also found that the death toll was firstly reported to the government,then the number of the seriously-injured people,and then one of the slightly-injured. Finally,according to the loss assessment of the Ning'er earthquake,the damage of the buildings more directly reflect the economic losses in the earthquake-stricken area.