
(1.云南师范大学 旅游与地理科学学院,云南 昆明 650000; 2.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

云南地区; 地震序列; 最大强余震; 主震震级; b值截距

Estimation on Maximum Aftershock of Earthquake Sequences in Yunnan
TIAN Hong-xu1,MAO Yu-ping2,QIAN Xiao-dong2

(1.School of Tourism and Geographical Sciences,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650000,Yunnan,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Yunnan region; earthquake sequence; maximum strong aftershock; main shock magnitude; b-value intercept


利用1965~2012年云南地区的181次地震序列资料,分别用4种不同的方法得到主震和最大余震的震级关系式分别为:b值截距法Mmax=-0.44+1.03Mb±0.4; 最大后续余震法Mmax=-0.23+1.00Mm±0.4; 主震震级估算最大余震法Mmax=-0.71+0.89M±0.4; 主震与最大余震震级差法:主震震级在5.0~5.9级之间,Mmax=M-1.2,在6.0~7.9级之间,Mmax=M-1.0。用这4种方法对2009年7月9日姚安6.0级地震和2012年9月7日彝良5.6、5.7级地震序列中的最大强余震进行估算,结果符合较好。统计结果显示最大强余震发生在主震后前3天的比例高达60%,这一结果可为最大强余震的时间判定提供依据。

Basing on the 181 earthquake sequences in Yunnan region from 1965 to 2012,we respectively obtained four relation formulas between the main shock and the largest aftershock by four methods:Mmax=-0.44+1.03Mb ± 0.4 in the b-value intercept method,Mmax=-0.23+1.00Mm ± 0.4 in the maximum subsequent aftershocks method,Mmax=-0.71+0.89M±0.4 in the maximum aftershock estimated by main shock magnitude method,and Mmax=M-1.2 for M5.0~5.9 main shock,Mmax=M-1.0 for M6.0~7.9 main shock in the magnitude difference of main shock and aftershock method. We estimated the maximum magnitude of aftershock sequences of Yaoan M6.0 earthquake on Jul.9,2009 and Yiliang M5.6,5.7 earthquakes on Sep.7,2012 by four methods and obtained that the theory and actual maximum magnitudes of aftershock sequences agreed well. The statistic results showed that the proportion of maximum aftershocks occurred in the first three days after the main shock up to 60%,which may provide the basis for the time judgment of the maximum aftershock.