
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

巽他地块; 相对稳定地块; 古老陆核; 侧向挤出; 顺时针旋转

Geodynamic Significance of Tectonic Evolution & Medium Property of Sundaland

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Sundaland; relative stable block; ancient continental core; lateral extrusion; clockwise rotation


基于近年来国内外关于青藏高原及川、滇、缅、印支地区大地构造演化、现今地壳运动观测、地壳与上地幔结构反演等领域取得的大量观测与研究成果,结合对泰、越等国的野外地质考察与认识,以探索建立对该地区现今地壳运动与变形状态起控制作用的构造框架为目的 ,提出了相对于“活动地块”的“相对稳定地块”的概念。综合分析认为,巽他地块在构造演化、介质特性及现今运动与变形等方面类似于青藏高原周缘的塔里木、阿拉善、扬子等地块,具有“相对稳定地块”的特征,它们共同构成了调节青藏高原物质东向挤出后围绕东喜马拉雅构造结发生顺时针旋转的刚性约束边界。这同时意味着,青藏高原侧向挤出动力作用的势力范围可能覆盖了川、滇、缅及印度支那北部的广大地区,这有助于加深对该地区强震动力学环境的认识。

Based on the plentiful survey and study results about geodynamic evolution,contemporary crustal movement observation,inversion of crust and upper mantle structure in Tibet Plateau,Sichuan,Yunnan,Myanmar and Indochina areas,combined with our wild geological survey and knowledge in Thailand and Vietnam in recent years,and for the purpose to establish a geo-tectonic frame that controlling the regional crust movement and deformation,we propose the conceptions of “active block” and “relative stable block”. Our comprehensive analysis demonstrates that Sundaland may play a similar role to the Tarim block,Alashan block and Yangtze block that has the properties of “relative stable block” in the aspects of tectonic evolution,medium characteristics and the contemporary movement and deformation,and it is all these relative stable blocks that constitute the rigid constraint boundary regulating the clockwise rotation of the material extruded from Tibet Plateau laterally. Meanwhile,the point implies that the sphere of influence of lateral extrusion dynamic action by Tibet Plateau may cover the wide region including Sichuan,Yunnan,Myanmar and Northern Indochina,which will be helpful for furthering and improving our understanding about the geodynamic environment of strong earthquake.