
(1.青海省地震局 湟源地震台,青海 湟源 812100; 2.青海省海东地区地震局 乐都地震台,青海 乐都 810700)

水氡观测; K值标定; 可靠性检验; FD-125氡钍分析器

Discussion on K-value Calibration in Water Radon observation
CHEN Yong-hua1,LI Yan-jing2,ZHANG Chao-mei1,LUO Bin-sheng1,MA Li1

(1. Huangyuan Seismic Station,Earthquake Administration of Qinghai Province,Huangyuan 812100,Qinghai,China)(2. Ledu Seismic Station,Earthquake Administration of Haidong Area in Qinghai Province,Ledu 810700,Qinghai,China)

water radon observation; K-value calibration; reliability verification; FD-125 Radon and Thorium analyzer



Making an intensive study of the significance of K-value calibration in water radon observation,we test the accuracy of K-value by parallel sample observation method etc. Based on the summary of the experience from practical work,we generalize the method of improving the accuracy and reliability of K-value calibration in water radon observation to make sure the water observation radon value could reflect the real variation of radon concentration in groundwater,and could provide the reliable information for obtaining the preparation and occurrence of earthquake.