
(大连大学 土木工程技术研究与开发中心,辽宁 大连 116622)

天然地基; 桩基; 加速度; 地震液化; 数值模拟; FLAC3D

Analysis of Dynamic Response of Foundation with Rock-socketed Pile and its Seismic Liquefaction
XU Hao,WANG Guixuan,ZHAO Jie

(Dalian University R&D Center of the Civil Engineering Technology,Dalian 116622,Liaoning,China)

foundation" target="_blank">natural foundation; foundation" target="_blank"> pile foundation; acceleration; foundation; liquefaction; numerical simulation; FLA3D



Three dimensional finite element difference software FLAC3D is used to establish the model for the foundation of the reinforced concrete pile piles. Then through the numerical simulation and systematic comparative analysis of the acceleration,displacement and the liquefaction situation of the foundation pile of the natural foundation model and pile foundation model before and after seismic liquefaction,we obtained the acceleration variation and the characteristic of foundation liquefaction in four conditions. The calculation results show that the propagation of acceleration in the non-liquefied layer is appear a trend of amplification,however,the propagation of seismic wave in the liquefied layer has the effect of significantly weakened. Under the same ground motion,the unit that the ratio of excess pore pressure of natural foundation exceeds 0.75 is more than that of pile foundation,and the effect of the pile on the eliminating the foundation liquefaction is limited.The obtained results can be used as a reference for the similar engineering cases.