
(安徽省地震局,安徽 合肥 230031)

溧阳地震; 库仑应力变化; 震源机制解; 苏皖交界

Research on Coseismic Coulomb Stress Changes Caused by Two Liyang Earthquakes in 1974 and 1979 and their Seismogenic Tectonic
CHU Fei,WANG Shaowen,ZHANG Yi,TAN Xin,YUAN Quan,XU Rugang

(Earthquake Administration of Anhui Province,Hefei 230031,Anhui,China)

Liyang earthquake; coulomb stress changes; focal mechanism solution; the border of Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces


1974年和1979年在苏皖交界的溧阳地区分别发生了两次破坏性地震,造成了大量人员伤亡和财产损失。分别计算这两次地震引起的同震库仑应力变化,并与余震分布情况进行对比分析,认为两次地震的发震断层均为NW走向。计算得出溧阳1979年地震震中位置处于1974年地震引发的静态库仑应力增加的区域,应力变化值约0.001 MPa,表明1974年地震的发生对1979年地震的发生具有一定的积极影响,但由于应力变化值较小,未能造成直接的触发。

We calculated the co-seismic coulomb stress changes caused by Liyang MS5.5 earthquake in 1974 and Liyang MS6.0 earthquake in 1979 which resulted in some casualty and property losses,and compared with the distribution of aftershocks to obtain that the direction of seismogenic faults of two Liyang earthquakes should be NW.The epicenter of Liyang MS6.0 earthquake in 1979 located at the area of the static coulomb stress increasing induced by Liyang MS5.5 earthquake in 1974,and the stress values were about 0.01 bar(1 bar=0.1 MPa),which suggest that the Liyang MS5.5 earthquake in 1974 has certain positive effect to the Liyang MS6.0 earthquake in 1979,However,due to the smaller of the stress values changes,it has been unable to cause a direct trigger.