
(1.云南师范大学 旅游与地理科学学院,云南 昆明 650500; 2.昆明市西山区防震减灾局,云南 昆明 650118; 3.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

畹町断裂; 地貌特征; 构造意义; 水系分布

Characteristics of Wanding Fault Zone and its Tectonic Significance
DAI Yuqian1,2,HUANGFU Gang3,BAI Xianfu1,3

(1.School of Tourism and Geographical Sciences,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Xishan District,Kunming 650118,Yunnan,China)(3.Earthquake administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,China)

Wanding Fault; landform characteristics; tectonic significance; distribution of water system


为定量认识畹町断裂带地貌特征及其对构造的指示意义,基于30 m的DEM数据,采用空间分析方法,提取该断裂带地形剖面、地形起伏度、坡度、水系偏转角、河流纵剖面上凹指数等参数数值,得到了畹町断裂带构造地貌的一些定量化特征,并通过这些数值特征讨论了其指示的构造意义。结果 表明,研究区总体地势以畹町断裂为界东北高西南低,海拔沿断层垂直方向随距离的增加而增加到1 500~2 000 m后趋于平稳。垂直断层方向的地形剖面反映的阶地特征与普通意义的侵蚀阶地的特征差异明显,表明畹町断裂在很大程度上控制了区域河流阶地的发育及其形态特征。断裂两侧水系分布明显不对称,沿走滑断裂水系发生系统性拐弯,且水系级别越高,其拐弯距离越长。沿畹町断裂(怒江干流)走向分布的11条水系偏转角的角度大致在45°~175°之间,多数分布在100°范围内,高于100°的有3个。畹町断裂带水系偏转角的数值特征说明水系在断层左旋走滑作用的长期影响下,汇入角发生了偏转。区域内92.31%的河流纵剖面上凹指数b>1,纵剖面为凹形,反映了畹町断裂对其发育的影响。

In order to grasp the topographic features of wanding fault and its significance quantificationally,we use the 30 m spatial resolution DEM to get parameters such as topographic profile,topographic relief,slope,river deflection angle and concave index of river profile.Through analysis,we grasp some quantitative characteristics of Wanding fault and discuss its tectonic significance.The results showed that the northeast part of the study area is high while the southwest part is low.Elevation along fault vertical direction with the increase of distance to 1 500~2 000 m after the steady.Vertical fault orientation reflects the difference between erosion terrace characteristics and ordinary terraces.It also showed that the terraces were developed after the formation of Wanding fault.The distribution of water system on both sides of the fault is obvious asymmetry.Along the strike slip fault system,the water system level is higher,the turning distance is longer.Along the Wanding fracture(Nujiang River),there are 11 river deflection angles between 45° to 175°.Most of them are within the range of 100°.Just 3 river deflection angles higher than 100°.The numerical characteristic of river deflection angles shows that the local area or the whole of the river is controlled by faults.Under the long-term influence of the left lateral strike slip of the fault,the convergence angle of the water system is deflected.92.31% of the vertical profile of the rivers b value is above 1 and the longitudinal profiles are concave.This reflects the characteristics of tributary fracture on the development effect of Wanding fault.