
(1.中国地震局第一监测中心,天津 300180; 2.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224; 3.河北省地震局 保定中心台,河北 保定 071000)

岩石圈磁场; 岩石圈结构; 芦山地震; 景谷地震

The Relationship Between Anomalies Variation of Lithosphere Magnetic Field and Structure of Lithosphere Magnetic
SONG Chengke1,NI Zhe2,SU Shupeng3,YAN Linlin1,MENG Xiangang1

(1.The First Monitoring and Application Center,CEA,Tianjin 300180,China)(2.Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,Chian)(3.Baoding Central Seismic Station,Hebei Earthquake Agency,Baoding 071000,Hebei,China)

lithosphere magnetic field; lithosphere structure; Lushan earthquake; Jinggu earthquake


概述芦山M7.0地震和景谷M6.6地震前,震中及周边区域岩石圈磁场水平矢量分布特征,并对这2次地震震中及周边区域岩石圈结构和介质性质进行分析讨论。结果 显示:芦山M7.0地震岩石圈磁场水平矢量方向并不完全一致,但表现出较好的趋势性,仅呈现出震中区域矢量值小的特征,这可能与该地区岩石圈结构相对均匀有关; 景谷M6.6地震震中岩石圈磁场水平矢量方向散乱且量值很小,近场区域岩石圈磁场水平矢量方向依然散乱,这可能与该区域复杂的岩石圈结构和地质构造有关。

The pre-earthquake horizontal vector of lithosphere magnetic field in earthquake epicenter and its surrounding area of the Lushan M7.0 earthquake and the Jinggu M6.6 earthquake are summarized.And,lithosphere structure and medium properties of earthquake epicenter and surrounding areas are discussed.For the Lushan M7.0 earthquake,the direction of horizontal vector of lithosphere magnetic field was in a good tendency though they were not in a same direction.And,the magnitude of horizontal vector of lithosphere magnetic field shows small magnitude in the epicenter area.This characteristics may be related to the homogenous of lithosphere structure.For the Jinggu M6.6 earthquake,the direction of horizontal vector of lithosphere magnetic field was noisy with small magnitude in the epicenter area.And,the direction of the horizontal vector of lithosphere magnetic field was also noisy in the near-field area.This character may be resulted from the complicated lithosphere structure.