
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

房屋抗震能力; 遥感影像; 经验估计; 建水县

Preliminary Assessment of the Seismic Capacity of Buildings in Jianshui County,Yunnan Province Based on Remote-sensing Images and the Empirical-estimation Method
MING Xiaona,YANG Jianqiang,ZHANG Yuanshuo,YU Jiang,ZHENG Chuan,ZHUANG Yan

(Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

buildings' seismic capacity; remote-sensing images; empirical estimation; Jianshui Country

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2022.0014


Buildings' damage is one of the main factors leading to casualties in the earthquake disaster.So far,the detailed risk survey data of the buildings in Yunnan Province have not obtained yet.We firstly analyzed the data on the structure and functions of the buildings,statistical data on rural dilapidated house renovation project and peoples' relocation from inhospitable areas,as well as the geometric and spatial features of the houses for different purposes on image.Then we proposed a preliminary method to judge degree of the buildings' seismic capacity in Yunnan based on remote-sensing images and empirical estimation,and we applied our method to the buildings in Jianshui County,Yunnan Province.The results prove that the houses with qualified seismic capacity account for 8%,the houses with indequate seismic capacity account for 88%,and the ones with grossly inaadequate seismic capacity account for 4%.