
(陕西省地震局,陕西 西安 710068)

建筑物隐患; 地震灾害; 神木市; 风险普查

Evaluation of Potential Earthquake-hazard of Buildings in Shenmu City,Shaanxi Province
SHAO Dan,TIAN Qinhu,ZHANG Weichao,REN Hao,RUAN Shiqi

(Shaanxi Earthquake Agency,Xi'an 710068,Shaanxi,China)

hidden dangers of buildings; earthquake disaster; Shenmu City; risk survey

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2023.0037


基于陕西省第一次全国自然灾害综合风险普查项目建筑调查数据,统计分析了陕西省神木市各类建筑物的抗震设防水平、存在病害现状、建造年代等情况; 依据相关规范,在计算单体建筑地震灾害隐患指数的基础上,分类给出单体建筑隐患等级和区域隐患等级。结果表明:①神木市有抗震设防措施的建筑物比例偏低,住宅类建筑物存在病害及使用年限超过20年的建筑比例较高; ②神木市不存在隐患等级为重点的建筑物,且各隐患等级的建筑物空间分布较为均匀; ③无论城镇还是农村,非住宅类建筑物的区域隐患等级高于住宅类。最后,结合评估结果对神木市建筑物地震灾害隐患防治工作提出了建议。
Based on the buildings' data from the earthquake hazard and risk survey,the aseismic design,damage conditions,and age of buildings in Shenmu City,Shaanxi Province are statistically analyzed.The potential earthquake-hazard index for the single building is calculated,and further,the level of the hidden danger of both the single building and the regional buildings are classified.The results show that:①The proportion of buildings with aseismic measures is low.The proportion of residential buildings which have hidden dangers and are over 20 years is relatively high.②There are no buildings whose hidden danger reached “severe” level in Shenmu City.The distribution of buildings on various hidden danger levels is relatively uniform.③Whether in urban or in rural regions,the hidden danger level of non-residential buildings is higher than that of residential buildings.Finally,in the light of the evaluation results,some suggestions are put forward to the preparedness and mitigation of the potential earthquake hazard for buildings in Shenmu City.