
(1.天津市地震局,天津 300201; 2.应急管理部国家自然灾害防治研究院,北京 100085)

汉1井; 水温; 固体潮畸变; 油气; 异常机理; 天津

Research on the Abnormal Mechanism of Increasing Solid Tide Distortion in Water Temperature of Well Han 1 in Tianjin
WANG Yixi1,SHAO Yongxin1,LI Yue1,SUN Xiaolong2,LI He1,LIU Shuangqing1

(1.Tianjin Earthquake Agency,Tianjin 300201,China)(2.National Institute of Natural Disaster Prevention and Control,Ministry of Emergency Management,Beijing 100085,China)

well Han 1; water temperature; continous variation; oil and gas; abnormal mechanism; Tianjin

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2023.0032


针对天津汉1井水温固体潮畸变连续增多现象,从水温对比实验、气压影响、水化学分析等方面分析了畸变特征和异常机理。结果表明:①水温固体潮畸变的深度位于220~255 m,且水温畸变多发生在水温固体潮低潮期、水位固体潮高潮期; ②当气压出现大幅突变时可能对水温固体潮产生相关影响; ③汉1井水化学组分具有明显的海相沉积特点,且汉1井具有聚集油气的构造条件,观测层位于当地油气层的产气层深度; 综合贝尼奥夫应变结果分析认为,汉1井水温固体潮畸变的连续增多实质是逸出油气增多的表现,是汉1井-含水层系统在区域构造作用力下的一种响应。
In view of the continuous variation of the water temperature in well Han 1 caused by the solid tide,we do experiment to compare the water temperature,analyze the air pressure effect and hydro-chemicals,etc.to find out the variation characteristics and the abnormal mechanism of the water temperature in the well.The results show that:① The depth of water temperature solid tide distortion is located at 220-255 m,and water temperature distortion mostly occurs during the low tide period of water temperature solid tide and the high tide period of water level solid tide; ② The abrupt changes of air pressure may have an influence on the water-temperature variation to some extent; ③ The hydrochemical composition in well Han 1 has marine sedimentary characteristics.Well Han 1 is located in the structural environment which is able to accumulate oil and gas,and the observational span of well Han 1 reaches the depth of the oil and gas layer.The continuous variation of water temperature in well Han 1 is a result from the increase of escaped oil and gas,and it is also a response of the well-aquifer system to the regional tectonic forces.