
(1.河北工程大学 土木工程学院,河北 邯郸 056038; 2.河北省装配式结构技术创新中心,河北 邯郸 056038)

风电塔筒; 增量动力分析; 高阶振型; 结构需求; 地震易损性

Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Steel-concrete Hybrid Wind Turbine Tower Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis
SHEN Yanli1,2,CHENG Jianhu1,ZHANG Weijie1

(1.School of Civil Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,Hebei,China)(2.Hebei Provincel Prefabricated Structure Technology Innovation Center,Handan 056038,Hebei,China)

wind turbine tower; incremental dynamic analysis; higher order modes; structural demand; seismic vulnerability

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0050


为研究钢-混凝土混合风电塔筒的抗震性能,基于弹塑性纤维梁柱单元理论建立了某钢-混凝土混合风电塔筒二维数值模型,先依据推覆分析结果确定塔筒的5种损伤状态限值,然后分别以截面曲率和考虑高阶振型的复合地震动强度参数IM1I&2E作为结构需求参数和地震动强度参数,接着选取20条地震动记录进行塔筒的增量动力分析,建立塔筒的地震易损性曲线,并对塔筒的抗震性能进行评估。结果表明:混合塔筒模型的损伤程度与地震动强度参数呈正相关,其抗震性能可满足Ⅶ度(0.15 g)地震作用下的抗震要求,但在Ⅷ度罕遇地震作用下及处于更高烈度区的风电塔筒应当进行专门的抗震设计。
Based on the theory of the elastic-plastic fiber-beam-column element,a two-dimensional numerical model of a steel-concrete hybrid wind turbine tower is established to study the tower's aseismic performance.The limit values of five damage states of the tower are determined according to the results from the pushover analysis,then the sectional curvature is used as the structural demand parameter,and IM1I&2E,which considers the higher order modes,is used as the composite ground motion intensity parameter.Twenty ground motion records are selected for the incremental dynamic analysis of the tower to establish the seismic vulnerability curves of the tower for the evaluation of the seismic performance of the tower.The results show that the hybrid tower model can meet the aseismic requirements for an Intensity Ⅶ(0.15 g)earthquake,and a special aseismic design should be taken into account when the tower is under the action of rare earthquakes(Intensity Ⅷ or over)or when the tower is located in the higher intensity areas.