About the Editorial Board

7th Editorial Board of Journal of Seismological Research


Academic Title


Research Domain


WANG Bin Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Solid earth geophysics

Deputy Editors-in-Chief

ZHOU Guangquan Associate Professor Guizhou Earthquake Agency Earthquake emergency technology
ZHANG Jianguo Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Seismic geology
SU Youjin Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Earthquake prediction research
YU Fengyan Editorial Board Member Yunnan Earthquake Agency Journal editing and publishing


DING Zhifeng Professor Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration Deep structure of the Tibetan Plateau, active fault detection
MA Shengli Professor Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration Experimental tectonophysics
WANG Weitao Professor Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration Solid earth geophysics
WANG Baoshan Professor University of Science and Technology of China Application of artificial sources in earth’s interior exploration
WANG Tao Professor Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA Seismic resilience of urban engineering systems and high-performance seismic structures
WANG Haitao Professor China Earthquake Networks Center Solid earth geophysics
MAO Xianjin Senior Engineer Yunnan Earthquake Agency Research on seismo-electromagnetic theory and applications, engineering geophysics, reservoir seismic monitoring
DENG Zhihui Professor Guangdong Earthquake Agency Physical modeling of tectonic deformation in seismic hazard zones
FU Hong Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Earthquake prediction research
YE Liaoyuan Professor Yunnan Normal University Civil engineering and earthquake disaster mitigation
QU Zhe Professor Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA Control of building earthquake damage mechanisms, structural seismic response analysis
AN Xiaowen Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Building isolation and vibration reduction
XU Chong Professor National Institute of Natural Hazards, Ministry of Emergency Management Fundamental research on earthquake and rainfall-induced geohazards and risk mitigation applications
XU Jiandong Professor Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration Volcanology and volcanic hazards
SUN Baitao Professor Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA Engineering mechanics, disaster prevention, and protection engineering
LI Li Professor Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration Seismological observation and geophysics
LI Shanyou Professor Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA Strong ground motion observation and applications, earthquake early warning and emergency response
LI Yongqiang Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Research on earthquake emergency technology
LI Jiancheng Academician Central South University Research on earth’s gravity field
SHAN Xinjian Professor Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration Geohazard deformation monitoring technology and applications
YANG Kun Professor Yunnan Normal University GIS software development and research
YANG Wei Professor Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration Artificial active source detection, research on medium velocity changes
YANG Liming Professor Qinghai Earthquake Agency Theories, methods, and practices of earthquake prediction
YANG Hongfeng Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong Subduction zone dynamics, great thrust earthquakes, earthquake detection and location
YANG Dinghui Professor Tsinghua University Seismic anisotropy and seismic wave propagation theory
YANG Zhousheng Senior Engineer Yunnan Earthquake Agency Earthquake monitoring and research
YANG Runhai Senior Engineer Yunnan Earthquake Agency Artificial active source detection, research on medium velocity changes
WU Zhongliang Professor Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA Digital seismology
SONG Yanyun Professor Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA Solid earth geophysics
ZHANG Peizhen Academician Peking University Seismic geology and Cenozoic tectonic geology
CHEN Yong Academician Nanjing University Seismology and experimental rock physics with applications in environment, energy, and disaster mitigation
CHEN Xiaofei Academician Southern University of Science and Technology Seismic wave propagation and source rupture dynamics: theories and numerical simulations
SHAO Desheng Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Crustal deformation and strain characteristics research
LIN Xuchuan Professor Institute of Engineering Mechanics, CEA Structural engineering seismic isolation and vibration reduction, regional and seismic disaster simulation, nonlinear structural computation
JIN Xing Professor Fujian Earthquake Agency Earthquake early warning research for strong motion observation networks
ZHOU Shiyong Professor Peking University Seismology and earth’s interior physics
ZHENG Yong Professor China University of Geosciences Seismic waveform modeling, earthquake properties, and seismic hazard analysis
HU Jiafu Professor Yunnan University Surface waves and inversion, receiver functions and inversion
HUANGFU Gang Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Solid earth geophysics
YAO Huajian Professor University of Science and Technology of China Seismic wave imaging, surface wave and ambient noise tomography
YAO Yunsheng Professor Institute of Disaster Prevention Reservoir-induced seismicity, earthquake engineering, geotechnical engineering research
CHAO Hongtai Professor Shandong Earthquake Agency Seismic geology, active tectonics, earthquake zoning
NI Sidao Academician Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Geophysics, complex morphology and fine structure of earth’s interior interfaces
XU Xiwei Professor China University of Geosciences Beijing Seismic geology and active tectonics research
CHANG Zufeng Professor Yunnan Earthquake Agency Seismic geology
JIANG Haikun Professor China Earthquake Networks Center Statistical seismology, earthquake sequences, and earthquake prediction methods

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Address:148 Beichen Street, North District of Kunming City, Yunnan, China Tel: 86-0871-3355074