Guide for Authors
Section 1 Requirement for Submission
Manuscripts must have clear arguments, reliable evidence, accurate data, clear organization, and concise writing. Each article should not exceed 8,000 Chinese characters and should contain no more than 8 figures.
2.Manuscripts should include real author names, with personal information of the first author, and the name and number of any funding projects. The full names and addresses of affiliations, telephone numbers, and email addresses should also be provided.
3.Chinese articles must include a Chinese abstract of about 300 Chinese characters and a corresponding English abstract with 3 to 8 keywords. For English articles, it must include an English abstract of about 200 words and 3 to 8 keywords, as well as a Chinese abstract of 800 to 1000 characters. Chinese translation of the full text must be provided (for review purposes).
4.Figures in manuscripts should be drawn using common software, and saved in vector format for editing and modification. The figures should be indicated with numbers and headings which are placed below the figures. Lines in figures should be uniform and of moderate thickness. Text in figures should be clear. Standard symbols shall be adopted for "quantity" and "unit" on coordinates, and symbols can only be omitted when they are dimensionless.
5.Tables must have headings. The three-line style shall be adopted. If necessary, a few auxiliary lines can be added.
6.All units of measurement in the text shall be in accordance with national standard. Variables are represented in italics, constants and units in regular font, and matrices, vectors, and tensors in bold and italics.
7.When citing research results from others, the source should be indicated in accordance with relevant provisions of the Copyright Law and listed in the references list. Any copyright liability arising from this shall be borne by the authors. References are arranged by author-year system. If citing unpublished articles or materials, use parentheses in the upper right corners of the text to indicate serial numbers, and make footnotes on the current page.
8.Please attach a letter briefly introducing your work background and the significance of the achievements. Please provide the main contact information of the first author, as well as detailed communication information and research fields of 4~6 peer experts (holding senior professional titles) from out of your institute. Authors may also request certain experts to recuse themselves.
9.After a manuscript is reviewed by experts, the editorial office will notify the authors of the review results. If the authors do not receive a response from the editorial office within 3 months, they may handle the manuscript on their own. But multiple submissions should be avoided.
10.Manuscripts can be submitted online, and the received date is the date when it is received in the editor’s E-mail box.
11.The editorial office has right to publish the article in this journal in CD version and electronic version, and to include the article into international and domestic databases. Please confirm that you accept this arrangement.
Section 2 Copyright Policy
1Journal of Seismological Research flipped to an open access journal since the 1st issue of 2023. Afterwards, all articles once published will be immediately and permanently available for readers to read and download free of charge. Articles published from 2010 to 2022 were turned to open access works, which are accessible free of charge on this website. Articles published before 2010 are not open access. The copyright of these articles belongs to the Editorial Office of Journal of Seismological Research.
2For all open access articles published by this journal, permitted authors and third-party reuse of the articles is defined by the following user license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This license allows reusers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as the license terms below are followed: reusers must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Reusers may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses the use. Reusers may not use the material for commercial purposes. If reusers remix, transform, or build upon the material, they may not distribute the modified material. The full details of the license are available at
3Authors are required to sign the "Copyright Transfer Statement," transferring all financial rights of the copyright of the article worldwide to the Editorial Office of Journal of Seismological Research. The author retains personal rights of the copyright. The Editorial Office of Journal of Seismological Research has right to use this paper, including but not limited to, the rights of compilation (parts or the whole of the article), distribution, reproduction, translation, information network dissemination, adaptation, etc. The term of transfer is the same as the copyright protection period. The author agrees with the open access policy of this journal and can reproduce and disseminate their articles under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.
4All journal articles published by this journal since 2010 have been digitally archived. The hard and soft copy of each issue of the journal are kept in the editorial office for archiving. In order to ensure data security, all information and relevant materials, such as supplementary information and forms provided by the authors are backed up in the editorial office. The journal’s articles can also be downloaded in full text from databases including CNKI, Wanfang and Weipu .
Section 3 Editorial Policy
1.Review System: The journal adopts double-blind review system. After submission, the editorial office will conduct a preliminary review of the manuscript. The editorial office will reject the manuscripts which are insufficient in originality, having serious scientific or technical mistakes, lacking valuable information, or not in the scope of the journal. Manuscripts which have passed the preliminary review will be sent to two or more peer reviewers. Authors must respond to reviewers’ every comment and submit the revised version in time. This process would be repeated until reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief shall conduct the final round of review and the editorial office shall impartially select manuscripts on the basis of academic quality and the review comment.
2.Self-Responsibility: Authors are responsible for their own writing. According to the provisions of the Copyright Law, this journal may make textual modifications or deletions to submitted manuscripts. Any modifications that involve the change of original meaning shall be submitted to the authors for confirmation.
3.Internal Submission: Submissions by Editorial Board Members (EBMs)/Editors must adhere to the journal’s review and editorial procedures, ensuring independence from the involved individuals and their research groups. They cannot participate in reviews of manuscripts whose authors they have conflicts of interest with.
4.Special Issues/Columns: If special issues or special columns are published, the manuscripts will undergo the same review process as regular submissions, and the final decision on acceptance is made by the editor-in-chief or deputy editors-in-chief, who are responsible for the entire content of the journal, including special issues or columns. Authoritative experts in the field may be invited to serve as guest editors-in-chief of the special issue or column, overseeing theme proposal, manuscript solicitation, peer review organization, and addressing any publication issues under the editor-in-chief’s supervision to ensure fairness in the review process.
5.Correction and Retraction: After publishing, if there appears to be an unintended scientific mistake in the article which would not lead to significant impacts on the results and conclusion, the editorial office will publish corrections in the journal as soon as possible, and detailing the changes made to the original article. If severe scientific errors are found in published articles, or the article is suspected of academic misconduct, such as plagiarism and data falsification, the editorial office will issue a statement to inform readers of the risks, initiate an investigation and announce the final result, or even retract article with a retraction statement if necessary.
Section 4 Fees and Remuneration
1.Page fee: The page fee shall be charged based on the actual page number of the final published article. The standard is RMB 300 per black and white page; RMB 600 per color page.
2.Review fee: Each article is reviewed twice at a cost of 150 yuan per review. The cost is paid by the editorial office.
3.Journal of Seismological Research does not charge any fees other than the page fee. Online first publishing, fast-track publishing, and image processing are not charged. Please confirm that your payment is directed to the editorial office.
4.Once an article is published, the journal will pay a remuneration and provide two copies of the current issue and five copies of offprint to authors free of charge.
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Editorial Office of Journal of Seismological Research