[1]ZHANG Xiaotao,YU Huaizhong.Research on the State Vector Anomaly before the Menyuan,Qinghai MS6.9 Earthquake[J].Journal of Seismological Research,2025,(02):247-252.[doi:10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2025.0026
Journal of Seismological Research[ISSN 1000-0666/CN 53-1062/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
2025 02
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Research on the State Vector Anomaly before the Menyuan,Qinghai MS6.9 Earthquake
- Author(s):
ZHANG Xiaotao; YU Huaizhong
(China Earthquake Networks Center,Beijing 100045,China)
- Keywords:
state vector; the Menyuan MS6.9 earthquake; retrospective study; seismic anomaly
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
There were multiple seismic and geophysical anomalies before the Menyuan,Qinghai MS6.9 earthquake on January 8,2022.In this paper we adopted the state vector method to retrospectively study the anomalies before the Menyuan earthquake.By traversing the sub-regions from 3°×3° to 12°×12° around the epicenter of the Menyuan earthquake,we found that the 8°×8° sub-region can best reflect the Menyuan earthquake anomalies.Four parameters of the state vector became anomalous before the Menyuan earthquake.They were state vector modulus M,state vector modulus increment ΔM,the angle variation(φc)between state vector Vt-Δt and state vector Vt,the corner variation(Ve)between state vector Vt(at any time)and unit vector.Of these 4 parameters,M and ΔM have better precursory effect than φ and φc.Generally,before the Menyuan earthquake,these anomalies were continuous and significant.They were short-and medium-term anomalies.