[1]CHEN Yahong,LIAO Fasheng,ZHANG Zhengshuai,et al.Characterization of Seismic Source Parameters of Small- and Medium-Earthquakes in Western Shandong,China[J].Journal of Seismological Research,2025,(02):341-350.[doi:10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2025.0036
Journal of Seismological Research[ISSN 1000-0666/CN 53-1062/P] Volume:
Number of periods:
2025 02
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Characterization of Seismic Source Parameters of Small- and Medium-Earthquakes in Western Shandong,China
- Author(s):
CHEN Yahong1; LIAO Fasheng1; ZHANG Zhengshuai2; XU Fangfang1; SHEN Maozheng1; CAI Lu1; DONG Chunyong1
(1.Heze Earthquake Center Station,Shandong Earthquake Agency,Heze 430071,Shandong,China)(2.Shandong Earthquake Agency,Jinan 250100,Shandong,China)
- Keywords:
seismic source parameters; the high-cut model; corner frequency; apparent stress; stress drop; b-value
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
On the basis of the high-frequency cut-off source model,we use the robust least-squares method to fit the seismic waveform data recorded by the Shandong Seismic Networks in the period from January 2013 to July 2023 in western Shandong area,and get the source parameters of 236 small- and medium-earthquakes.The results show:① The seismic moment M0 is distributed between 1011-1014 N·m,and there is a positive correlation between the seismic moment and the magnitude ML:lgM0=0.956 ML+10.421.The inflection frequency is in the range of 2-15 Hz,and shows a good correlation with the moment magnitude:the larger the magnitude,and the lower the inflection frequency; ② The visual stress is higher in Western Shandong area in 2017-2019,suggesting some enhancement of the stress field level in this area,and followed by a series of small- and medium-earthquakes; ③The spatial distribution characteristics of the visual stress show that earthquakes mostly occur in the interior and edge of the high visual stress zone,and the high visual stress is mainly distributed in the north and central parts of the Liaokao fracture zone,the Changqing rupture zone and Weishan area in western Shandong. Meanwhile,b-values are low in these areas.In the study area,the low b-value area and the high stress area is close to each other,reflecting the high seismic level.This suggests that these areas are potential medium-and strong-earthquake areas in western Shandong in future.